Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tadanori Yokoo

This stuff, I don't have words for ...

Russian animated version of The Little Mermaid

My roommate just showed this to me. It's pretty insane. Beautifully designed and animated.

Night Business | Sammy Harkham & Family

Sammy Harkham, responsible for the heartbreakingly incredible Kramers Ergot anthologies, the D&Q comic book Crickets and the curated LA bookstore "Family," wrote a post about Night Business (which Family carries) several weeks back. It's here on the Family blog. He has some kind words for the Night Biz issue (thanks, Sammy). I learned today today his book Crickets has an undetermined future because of the recent Diamond raise in minimums. This is something I'm sorry to hear about. Check out Crickets here, Family here, and Kramers Ergot here.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fly By Night: The New Art of the Club Flyer

I have two flyers in this new art book about club flyer art called "Fly By Night: The New Art of the Club Flyer," by Craig McCarthy, published by Thames & Hudson. Take a look here. They were flyers I did for these DJs in London who operated as Computer Blue.